Honey, I Blew Up The Business
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If you are wondering, "who is this guy and why should I listen to his podcast?" Read this.
Your host, Dan Kirby, has been an entrepreneur since 2001 and knows what it's like to experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.
In 2004, Dan co-founded The Tech Dept, who built BBC Children in Need's fundraising platform. The BBC even said, "I hope you know we wouldn't have had another record-breaking year without you. Fact."
Now they specialise in helping impact founders build scalable, reliable tech products that deliver the vision.
Dan isn't a typical tech entrepreneur who is all talk and no substance. In 2015, he was number 34 in "The Digerati" (100 most influential people in UK digital), and in 2017, he was in BIMA's "Hot 100" as a Digital Ambassador.
He's raced across deserts (completing The Marathon des Sables - 6 marathons in 7 days in the Sahara - raising £14,000 for the children's charity KidsOut).
Created the 24-hour urban festival Getahead, a not-for-profit helping people "get ahead without burning out".
And even played the lead character in a movie pilot (comedy feature) based on an event series called The Tech Off – "the lovechild of TED talks & WWE".
Oh, and he was named one of the 25 most innovative people in Europe, the Middle East & Asia for 2018 by The Holmes Report.
But in 2017, he f**ked up. Bad.
He can laugh about it now, but it was no joke at the time.
Shame, humiliation, terror. The lot.
Fortunately, Dan turned things around, and he's doing better than ever!
And now, Dan is on a mission: to create the realest entrepreneur podcast in the world! And he's on the right track – Honey I Blew Up The Business is now in the top 2.5% of all global podcasts.
Dan wants to bring people together to talk about what it's really like to be a founder. What it's like to face your demons and come out the other side as a better person and a better entrepreneur.
A tribe of like-minded people who aren't afraid to talk about this shadow side. Who want to do a lot of good in the world. And who want to make a lot of money doing it.
If that sounds like you - Drop Dan a DM on social media and see how you can get involved.
Dan lives with his wife, three teenage daughters, two dogs, and four cats in Bakewell (home of the Bakewell tart).
P.S. - Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and get first dibs on all the latest updates, insights, and lessons from Honey I Blew Up The Business: https://signup.honeyiblewupthebusiness.com
Honey, I Blew Up The Business
S2 E13: Becoming Driven with Dr Doug Brackmann
In this episode of "Honey I Blew Up The Business" Season 2, Dan is joined by Dr Doug Brackmann. Doug is a psychologist, and the author of Driven: Understanding and Harnessing the Genetic Gifts Shared by Entrepreneurs, Navy SEALs, Pro Athletes, and Maybe YOU.
In this deep and wide-ranging conversation, Doug delves into his shadow side during a time when his “elephant” took him for a wild ride that he couldn’t get off from.
Discover the importance of owning your wolf. The “elephant vs the monkey mind.” Why “leading with heart” makes you a better shepherd. And how to channel your driven energy from self-destruction into building a self-fulfilling life.
If you are seeking some drive in your life, get this episode in your ears! 👂
Connect with Doug (his content is great!):
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglasbrackmann/
Get your copy of Driven here: https://amzn.eu/d/3DIdUPN
Subscribe to our newsletter and get first dibs on all the latest updates, insights and lessons from Honey I Blew Up The Business: https://signup.honeyiblewupthebusiness.com
▷ Honey I Blew Up The Podcast! We are no longer recording new episodes of this podcast
▷ Host Dan Kirby has sold his shares in The Tech Dept (the business he blew up & turned around) to launch Founders Are Mental - teaching tech founders how to become Zen-like without being a monk...
▷ Show sponsors The Tech Dept are still going strong - helping founders build tech from MVP to Scale